Humbly, do I welcome you to my world of thoughts. Thoughts that track me down while understanding my search for words. Thoughts that hold my hands close to my heart as I give life to the silence that lives within me. My thought poetry is a mind conceived idea which languages feelings in descriptive words with hope that enjoyment might be provided to all who would share my world of thoughts.


Keenan Kelly resides in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. He has been writing what he likes to refer to his works as "Thought Poetry" since his early childhood years. These thoughts were simply "Uninvited Feelings" that he kept a journal of for his personal enjoyment. Never intending to share his poetry with the world. It was only after receiving encouragement from his family and friends of his unique talent and artistic vision that he decided to publish his works.

Keenan debuted his first book entitled Uninvited Feelings, A Book of Thought Poetry in April 2002, which has proven to be a literary accomplishment. His newest release, Breathless, A Journal From The Heart continues in the stunning tradition of Kelly's previous book of poetry and is sure to distinguish him as one of the top in his genre.

Keenan is truly an inspiring man. He is best known as the "Author of Thought Poetry." He possesses a rare quality in his ability to metaphorically tell a story that completely draws the reader into his world. Masterfully using language to touch your very soul.

He is presently working on a poetic novel that is destined to mesmerize readers.

Keenan is always interested in hearing from his readers. You may visit his website at or contact him by email at


With his latest collection of "Thought Poetry," Keenan Kelly, the author of Uninvited Feelings has once again made the English language beautiful. The book Breathless--A Journal From The Heart is a blessedly uplifting read, which cares for its readers and remains faithful to the heart. The language in this book makes itself vulnerable and personal while paying close attention to your emotional pulse. With each turn of the page this highly recommended book welcomes you and remains generous as it offers you to take as much from it as it gives back to you. Each expressed thought is a unique fingerprint identifying the talent of this gifted author. The spirit of this new collection of thoughts is at its delicious best singing the delicately arranged sweet songs of its emotional soul.


Keenan Kelly's "Uninvited Feelings," is a remarkable debut of poetry. Each poetic page is a wonderful blend of beauty and texture found in the shadows of language. The words found inside this delight and articulate compilation paints a hypnotic and an unforgettable picture while capturing the heart of the reader.

With lines such as "My cry entangled in a love speechless of words," and "Your words become the peach I nibble"---the dialogue shared between writer and reader is a mental journey upon the waves of the wind where "Uninvited Feelings," is an unforgettable rest stop along the way.



"Poetry that is more alive with real emotion than one heart could ever hold. BREATHLESS presents love, adoration, want, desire, need and pain. The emotion runs over, yet comes together with words that are woven from a spontaneous viewpoint."

"What if everything you ever desired and everything you ever felt were put into poetry right there, on the spot, the very instant you felt them? Keenan Kelly shows the reader the simple beauty and purity of "thought poetry."

--JIVE Magazine

"Breathless, A Journal From The Heart is a must read for all booklovers who appreciate language that is charming and descriptive in the most eloquent way. The prose depicted in this poignant book of poetry is unparalleled."

"This brilliant author Keenan Kelly, displays a prolific style of writing that is engaging and refreshing. Proficiently expressing many facets of love, leaving the reader eagerly anticipating his next "Thought."

--Books2Mention Magazine

"A dazzling and delightful collection of poetry that will leave you breathless. Simply wonderful!"

--The Literary Cafe

"A collection of Poetry that is perhaps unlike any you have ever seen."

--Noble House in the United Kingdom

"We believe Keenan Kelly to be one of the most interesting poets we have encountered. His poetry sparks the imagination and presents the reader with a fresh, unique perspective on life."

--The Library of Congress

"Uninvited Feelings, is such a magnificent display of artistry. I was completely captivated with the thought provoking language displayed in this book of poetry. The author's unique style of incorporating metaphors through out this compilation is incomparable to any ensemble of written word.

Keenan Kelly has masterfully tapped into an unhampered area in the industry. He has indelibly opened another chapter in literature with his remarkable way of describing his thought process."

--B2M Book Club

Book Excerpts

Is how you lay in my arms-after bathing in the night's perfume
The scent of you now showers me
Like the fresh fragrance left behind by a long midnight rain
Intimate are the whispered thoughts of my heart towards you
Your soft breathing humbles my manhood
So I respectfully hold you closer to me---
Squeezing you
A little tighter as I look down at the warmth of your face
In my touch of you
I would like to impart the tenderness of my emotions 
My love thoughts of you is a language without words
You move slightly
Positioning yourself for sleep
The softness of your body pleasures my being
Your left hand strokes my right arm
And with eyes closed
Your smile kindly tells my spirit goodnight
I kiss your tender lips as if joyfully praising who you are to me
And I find you sweeter than the sweetest sweet
I attempt not to look upon you in admiration
I pretend
As though my gaze could worship your beauty in secret
Weak am I
For how can I refuse myself
The luxury of seeing the gift of love, which lies inside of you
I can't deny
That this moment and your beauty
Are worthy of so much more from me
Boldly do I brush the hair from your neck---
Am I that you would find comfort and refuge in my arms
Resting your jewel crown upon my chest
Nestling the silk of your skin against my skin
How my heart longs to be the lover of your soul
So much so
That I silently question
Do you ever hear
How often my heart whispers, "I love you"
(I Miss You)
The rain cries because it now understands
How the familiar scent of you
Which spreads itself like morning dew
Wounds my muffled memories
Understood is a once forgotten fragrance
How it rips at my heart---
Unhidden are my chocolate covered secrets of pain
The shadows of the dark now bloom like apple orchards
How I regret giving rest to the beautiful springtime thoughts
Like worker bees your scent is once again forever busy
Making sweet nectar of our long ago laughter
With gloved hands I want to remove my conscious mind
 For succulent juices drench my soul
As your scent is freshly squeezed all over me again
Powerless am I to escape the air
Which carries your fragrance like broken tears
Reminding my face why my hands are also wet 
For my weeping is the voice heard in the forest
Whenever voiceless rain cries tears
And tonight it smells like rain